Our Team
We have a dedicated team of staff on the ground and in the air looking after our clients.
Scroll downl to meet the members of our team.
Management Team

David Svendsen
Managing Director
Tessa Svendsen
General Manager
Emilio De Campos
Quality Assurance Manager
Stephen Svendsen
Chief Executive OfficerPilots

Mark Calitz
Chief Pilot
Rory Walters
Tristan Langmead
Dylan Schoeman
Deputy Chief Pilot
Matthew Paton
Bryan Roestof
Jean Du Plessis
PilotAdministration Team

Carmen Fumo
Reservations Manager
Laura Harvey
Business Administrator
Sandra Fumo
Administration Manager
Adelia Fumo
Administrative AssistantReservations

Courtney Calitz
Administrator & Client Liaison
Leah Sloman
Corporate, Client & Company LiasonGround Staff

Mark Jeffries
Ground Manager
Bachir Chimuaza
Hangar Manager
Vasco Jose
Ground Staff
Luis Chavango
Joao Lampiao
Ground Staff
Jaime Chimuaza
Base Manager
Lucky Paulino
Ground Staff